A media program and independent venue for the discussion and analysis of news and issues around regionalism and for storytelling that highlights voices and views from within Southeast Asia. The program features regular stories on its website ((https://www.reportingasean.net/) and has conducted media forums and a fellowship program for Southeast Asian journalists. Founded by Journalist Johanna Son in 2012 and hosted by PMFI since 2015. The project is supported by the IPS Asia Pacific (2015-2018), Rockefeller Foundation, ASEAN Foundation, Japan-East Asia Solidarity Fund (2014-2015); Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (2016), ASEAN Foundation (2014 to 2018), US Dept. of State Lower Mekong Initiative (2018-2019), Heinrich Boell Stiftung (2019-2022), Foreign Press Center Japan (2020-2021), Sasakawa Peace Foundation (2021-2022)